About PTA

The PTA raises money for the school and provides a way for parents to have a voice in the way the school is run and to make our views known to the ESF. Some of the other PTA activities include organising socials, helping to run the annual School Fair, and the BBQ. In addition small groups of volunteers run Ice Cream days and the committee oversees the administration of book clubs enabling parents to buy books at a discount. There are, as you can see from this sample, a wide range of PTA – organised activities. Some raise money for the school, some are educational, some are fun, some are social – and some are all of the above.

Membership is now compulsory in all ESF schools for all parents, and costs HK$600 per annum. The PTA committee is elected at the AGM  and serves for one school year. The committee meets once a month.

Contact PTA

Tel: 2697-4070


PTA Office Hour: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Serve on a PTA sub-committee

We have a number of sub-committees. These meet on an ad-hoc basis.

Volunteer to assist with a PTA event or activity: We need help with events such as Hot Dog days, Ice Cream days, Book Club.

Volunteer to join the School Fair committee: This is the main fund-raising event of the school year.
